“The unvarnished, psych-tinged indie-rock of L.A. trio The Anti-Job is equal parts charm and derring-do, with Amanda Jones, Martin Lopez-Iu and Lee Harcourt playing with song skeletons like Play-Doh”

-       Kevin Bronson, BuzzBandsLA

“Hot new L.A. band and I dig ‘em!”

-       Henry Rollins, Black Flag / LA Weekly

“Enjoyed the EP and will definitely be keeping an eye out for future stuff.”

-       Chris Martins, SPIN Magazine

"Stunningly psychedelic indie-pop" 
-       Nathan LeighAFROPUNK

“Digital promo of the week goes to an excellent new LA band called The Anti-Job. Digging the record. The vocals sound like they belong in the 80s and in the present. Well done.

-       Chuck P, KCRW DJ 88.9FM KCRW Music Blog

“Beautiful songs and lyrics. I truly enjoy their music. Always happy to have them on my show. [KPFK 90.7FM, Global Village]”

-       Sergio Mielniczenko, KPFK DJ 90.7FM Global Village

“The whole album [BLOOM] has lovely live drums and bass and some subdued guitar strums here and there, all of which sit under a broad lattice-work of synths like the hanging gardens of Babylon. Perhaps that’s why they called the album, BLOOM; it’s a lovely space to walk around in…”

-       Dan Collins, LA RECORD

“You’re Not Real, a cerebral, yet constantly playful effort that extends their streak of writing compositions in oft-kilter time signatures with a pop slant. It’s equally refined and rebellious”

-    Juan Rodriguez, The Deli Magazine – Los Angeles

“Jones’ curious, insightful lyrics and Lopez-Iu’s ability to marry melody and innovative guitar sounds resulted in a sound reminiscent of the Pixies and PJ Harvey but with a modern, dreamy overtone.”

-       Gerry Doot, LA Music Blog

“To have a successful rock trio you really a dynamic front (wo)man and Amanda Jones sure as shit sounds the part
-       Dan Collins, LA RECORD